M&A transactions
Network Technology Co., a part of the equity transfer

Network Technology Co., a part of the equity transfer

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Part of the equity
Project Location Shenzhen
Company Profile Based on supply and demand of the furniture industry, the Internet as a medium for B2B, B2C, O2O integrated e-commerce model for the channel, to build China's first automatic transmission furniture information platform and furniture industry supply chain integrated service management platform. Nowadays, with the rapid expansion of the size of the company continue to accumulate and the client platform, the platform registered users has more than 60,000 merchants signed up to 8000, the daily average of 20 million or more IP, the monthly sales exceeded 1.5 million, expects sales 2000 million or more, become the country's furniture industry brands.
The main profit model 1, the site, APP clients and other carriers, income form advertising platform;
2. VIP annual fee income businesses;
3, online supply chain management system integrated operators royalty income;
4, transaction fee income;
5, regional agents and merchants as income;
6, with a small loan companies jointly provide financing services for merchants to obtain the median income.
The main financial data Registered capital: 10 million yuan. The amount to be financed 20 million yuan, the transfer of 20% stake
Investment Highlights (A) brand: The company is now to build China's first automatic transmission furniture information platform, the first commercial 3G wireless video docking system platform, the first furniture business online marketing management system platform, the first furniture industry supply chain operations service management platform, the four characteristics of platform system, is China's first intuitive solve business and enterprise, corporate and business, professional platform furniture supply and demand of businesses and consumers. The company team of experts has 14 years of experience and 10 years of Internet marketing experience in the furniture industry, through continuous accumulation and development, the platform has more than 30,000 registered members, has been in the furniture industry platform with high visibility and market influence, and gradually form well-known brands in the industry, its efficient and safe clearing transactions also has a good reputation in the majority of businesses.
(B) technical advantages: All development work platform independent research and development is completed. There has been eight software copyrights.
(Iii) Resource advantages: the company has many high-quality business resources and customer resources, holds vast amounts of consumer data, data analysis and mining customer information, in order to achieve a greater extension of the value. Meanwhile, the company with many domestic related enterprises, research institutes, professional media, professional market to establish long-term strategic cooperation, to ensure access to the latest, most complete, most efficient information.
(D) Personnel: the formation of the company since its inception complete professional team. Professional quality of staff has been sustained growth and enhance corporate profitability has laid a solid foundation. Staff qualifications at college or most (including graduate students), mid-level executives and most have furniture or background in the Internet industry, with many years of product sales, team management and information processing industry experience, has accumulated a wealth of practical experience and product development skills.
(E) entry barriers: As the core platform business group is the market quantity and viscosity, and the accumulation of culture and higher customer demand and the cost of time, once the company to enter the regional market and the formation of brand awareness, easy to form a preconceived situation Therefore, later expanding the enterprise market is difficult to form a positive competition. Meanwhile, the company platform to provide customers with a large number of practical features, greatly enhance the customer's own efficiency and competitiveness, and increase the customer platform dependencies.
Type Part of the equity transfer
Contact Wang 0755-83860239
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Wabisen Management Consulting (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

Address: Shennan Road, Futian District, Shenzhen Exhibition Centre, Room 2602-2604 Year 6007

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Wabisen Management Consulting (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
