M&A transactions
Zheng Xianrui

Zheng Xianrui

School: Nanyang Normal University
Mathematics: profession repair
Professional qualifications: China Certified Public Accountants(CPA) Work experience: 1993 to work, served as financial accounting management positions at large state-owned enterprises to pay more, and accumulated rich experience. Since October 2006 to date, worked-bound letter accounting Group, has worked accountants, auditors, project manager, auditor and partner during the work-bound letter served as dozens of companies tax consultants, in reasonable legal premise for enterprises to financial and tax planning, to achieve a reasonable tax savings, maximizing corporate profits; has in the financial statements and internal control within one hundred foreign group audit as a project manager, he led the team with Enterprise intention to negotiate, collect missing internal control, evaluation of internal control, internal control recommendations made, issued financial audit report and internal control report; at the same time, served as the internal control design and specification of the project manager more than a dozen medium-sized enterprises, to determine the internal control standardize the implementation of the range, carding risk, assessment of risk levels, prepare a risk inventory; the risk inventory of existing policies, systems, etc. alignments, find internal control deficiencies; according to the actual situation combined with internal control standards and requirements, evaluation of internal control deficiencies identified standards for internal control deficiencies found in the analysis; forming internal defect rectification program, success stories including nine studio Shandong Group Co., Sichuan, China limited official residence and other structures for different internal control deficiencies; engaged in due diligence, mergers and acquisitions, and mergers and acquisitions planning and business integration. Such as building materials acquired a cement plant in Nanyang, China jewelry craft group received a furniture company in Dongguan, Guangdong Rising Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd. in Jiangxi Rare Earth and other acquisitions。
Specialties: internal control, audit, due diligence, mergers and acquisitions
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Wabisen Management Consulting (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

Address: Shennan Road, Futian District, Shenzhen Exhibition Centre, Room 2602-2604 Year 6007

Shall not be reproduced without permission Tel:0755-83860239


Wabisen Management Consulting (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
